“By far my favorite speaker, very approachable”
Not Your Usual Motivational Talk ......
about Food, Weight, and Eating
Entertaining and educational talks on the emotional connection to food, the body, and the mind.
Positive messages provide connections that unlock patterns of struggles with emotional eating. Solutions focus on practical approaches.
Nationally recognized for giving dynamic presentations to large audiences
Bridging the gap between the public and health professionals. I lay it all out by telling it like it is, yet offering hope and the steps to a doable plan.
Popular Workshop Topics
- Language and Listening
- Intuitive and Mindful Approaches to Health
- Food and Body Maps to Success
- Prevention, Treatment and Recovery from Eating Disorders
- Energizing Your Body for Maximum Success
- Weight Loss Surgery and Post Op Complications
- What Dietitians Must Know for Optimal Patient Satisfaction
- The Entrepreneurial Path to Your Own Business
- How to Have Your Cake and Eat It Too
- You Are What You Eat
- Eating on the Run
- An Intuitive Eating Experience
- Weight Loss Surgeries: Break the Chains or Ties that Bind
- Bariatric Surgery: Golden Ticket, Temporary Patch, Ticket to Jail or BED
- Language Use to Uncover Hidden Meanings
- Food and Behavior Symbolism
- Weight Loss Surgery Long Term SUCCESS
- Dissecting Weight Loss Surgery Complications
Recent Presentations
“Disordered Eating after Bariatric Surgery” Behavioral Health Nutrition
“The Art of Language and Listening” Texas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
“Bariatric Surgery: Post-Op Considerations” Jessica Setnicks CEDRD Prep Course
“ABC’s of Creating Change” Designing for Different Abilities Conference
“Bariatric Surgery Nutrition” for 10th Annual Diabetes Symposium Houston
“An Intuitive Eating Journey” for Tarrant County Dietetic Association
“Bariatric Surgery: Breaking the Chains or Ties that Bind”
“Bariatric Surgery: Polishing off the tarnish for Success” Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
“Sports Nutrition” for DFW Girls Coach of the Year Clinic
“Bariatric Surgery: Polishing off the tarnish for Success” for International Federation Eating Disorder Dietitians
“An Intuitive Eating Experience” for Dairy Max Advisory Panel
“Food labels, planning a balanced meal and portion sizes” Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
“Learn to Control your Blood Glucose Levels” for Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
Recent Presentations
- “Disordered Eating after Bariatric Surgery” Behavioral Health Nutrition
- “The Art of Language and Listening” Texas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
- “Bariatric Surgery: Post-Op Considerations” Jessica Setnicks CEDRD Prep Course
- “ABC’s of Creating Change” Designing for Different Abilities Conference
- “Bariatric Surgery Nutrition” for 10th Annual Diabetes Symposium Houston
- “An Intuitive Eating Journey” for Tarrant County Dietetic Association
- “Bariatric Surgery: Breaking the Chains or Ties that Bind”
- “Bariatric Surgery: Polishing off the tarnish for Success” for Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
- “Sports Nutrition” for DFW Girls Coach of the Year Clinic
- “Bariatric Surgery: Polishing off the tarnish for Success” for International Federation Eating Disorder Dietitians
- “An Intuitive Eating Experience” for Dairy Max Advisory Panel
- “Food labels, planning a balanced meal and portion sizes” for Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
- “Learn to Control your Blood Glucose Levels” for Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
“This subject hasn’t been covered this way before”
"Kathryn’s talk was mind-opening. She was super relatable and made me feel empowered about the positive changes I can bring to my practice.”
"One of the best speakers I have ever heard”
Great Speaker!
"I loved this presentation- I have never heard intuitive eating explained so well!"
"Kathryn's talk was mind-opening. She was super relatable and made me feel empowered about the positive changes I can bring to my practice!" Kathleen Aguzzi
“I’ve heard Kathryn speak many times. Kathryn is that fantastic combination of educated, interesting and relatable. You leave her talks feeling like you can really make a difference.”
—Jessica Setnick, MS, RD, CEDRD, Co-Founder of International Federation of Eating Disorder Dietitians
“Kathryn’s visuals and audience participation make for memorable and new ways of thinking. Everyone in our audience went away armed with information to help in everyday decisions to eat differently, and with a much more health consciousness.”
–Larry Link, Minister to 2nd Half, First Baptist Church, Arlington, TX
“Kathryn was a joy to work with. She was able to combine an educational presentation with a fun and interactive class. She has a high energy level that keeps the audience engaged and learning.”
–Kendal Ecker, MS, RDN, LD