Post-Bariatric Success

One-on-one counseling services and nutrition courses for people who have had bariatric surgery.

You and I both know that change is hard, especially when the excitement wears off

Post-bariatric surgery diets are helpful when you start, but what happens when you….. 

  • have the freedom and more choices to eat any foods you can tolerate? 
  • are tired of drinking protein shakes for your easy nutrient source.
  • get overwhelmed with food decisions and anxiety with hunger returning.

When you feel like this, you want someone who understands the post-bariatric surgery diet and emotional eating.

Post-Op Bariatric support that

  • Clears confusion on what to eat
  • How to address food getting stuck
  • Works with emotional eating
  • Optimizes vitamin and mineral intake

we provide support with

  • Individual nutrition counseling
  • Nutrition and culinary courses
  • Emotional eating course
  • Joyful movement and personal training

Customized Services to meet your needs

We provide customized packages to meet your needs at any stage.  Pick services that provide the tools that are right for you:

  • Make the most progress with the concierge plans that offer the highest level of support including help with designing and coordinating treatment team providers, meals, and resources.
  • Time-based packages include additional resources that simplify and provide helpful resources to get the results you want to achieve.
  • Group Tuning-In Nutrition Program for Emotional Eating with some community support.

Confidence comes from understanding your body cravings and having a sustainable plan with room for your favorite “treats.”