No Snow Days for our Farmers
Appreciate those who work tirelessly to provide food
The truth is, our farmers, ranchers, and producers of food are lovers of the land and animals. They grow and use methods that preserve the environment and our food sources. They have to, their business depends on it. So even when the weather is cold outside and there is snow on the ground, they are out there in the cold working hard to create the food we eat.

The Agriculture Council of America and our industry partners invite you to celebrate National Agriculture Day on March 23, 2021.
Let’s recognize and celebrate the contributions of America’s farmers, growers, and ranchers.
National Ag Week and Live Facebook with Kathryn
Tune in this Wednesday
It is National Ag Week and I am proud to be a part of this great week. Tune into hear Kathryn talk about “Nutrition: a tool in managing agriculture’s stress” this Wednesday 3/23/21 at 11 a.m.
National Ag Day proudly celebrates the wholesome contributions of our country’s farms—and farm families—every March. American agriculture is the foundation of our country. It’s the backbone of a healthy and prosperous nation, made possible by the hard work of America’s farms and farm families. American agriculture brings everyone to the table.
There is so much involved in getting food to our table that many do not realize. I am honored to come from families that have been and are involved in providing food for us to eat. Don’t use sensationalized messages, one-sided documentaries, and groups with big marketing messages to scare you into thinking your food is not safe, the environment is being ruined by a type of food source, product, or method of farming. Get all the facts.
Yes, we all need to do better for saving our environment, creating sustainable systems and helping to ensure the future. Every industry and person should be involved in this process and need. The truth is, agriculture is more efficient and effective with less impact on our resources than in the past. There is a lot of damage produced by consumers fueling their homes and cars. Singling out industries as the source of a problem is not fair or accurate.

Have You Thanked a Farmer?
Take the time to find out about agriculture, farming, and growing food
Do not just take the word and information you hear on the news, a documentary, or social media. Get to know those in agriculture and that provide food for us. You might be surprised what you learn.
I have first-hand experience personally and professionally of visiting factories, farms, and ranches, hearing about and seeing the care taken for our land and resources. Sadly, so much of what is put out on social media is from one-sided approaches that do not take the whole picture and sum of information into accounts. Missing information and marketing tactics can be a way to scare and confuse you. Don’t get tricked!
Make sure all are represented at the table. The food choices and reasons we eat are influenced by multiple factors.